Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Stabilizing your Blood Sugar

One of the main nutrients that our body needs is glucose or commonly known as blood sugar.  It is actually converted in some chemical processes inside our body into the energy that our body uses. However, just like all other things, too much or too little of glucose can result into certain diseases such as Diabetes and Heart Diseases.

Although there some medications available in drug stores, it is actually more advisable to do the natural way of maintaining a stable blood sugar.

Exercising regularly will likely help your body maintain or control the blood sugar in your body. In certain studies conducted, it shows that performing brisk walking regularly even just for 30mins a day will help reduce blood sugar levels. And not only that it helps absorb sugar and blood sugar levels, it also increases the metabolism and overall insulin sensitivity of the body.

Drink Calamansi, Lemon juice, or other fruits that are rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C can lower the glycemic index of food in your body. When drinking these juices, avoid putting sugar in it.

Studies also shows that consuming green tea without sugar helps reduce the glucose from the food you intake.
Other than these, you can also opt to eat smaller portions of meals a day.  However, remember that even the fact that you are going to eat smaller portions of food, you will likely need to eat those smaller portions every 2 to 3 hours. Eating smaller portions of meals allows your body to avoid large consumption of glucose and insulin. Take note that the size of food or meal to be reduced depends on the total calorie intake of the patient. For further knowledge about this matter, it is advisable to consult your doctor.


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